Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Giant Rats Eat 2 Infants


                             African giant rat that attacks humans.

CAPE TOWN,  - South Africa terrorized rats. Not the ordinary mice, but a cat-sized rats. With the size of that size, the mice were looking for a fairly large prey, baby.

This week there are two terrible tragedies. The giant rats ate a  two babies in two different events. Lunathi Dwadwa (3) died in his sleep in the slum area outside Cape Town. While others  baby fall prey to a rat in Soweto, not far from Johannesburg  within the same day.

Lunathi found dead in a terrible condition by her parents, Sunday (29/05/2011). There was no crying or screaming earlier.

"I can not forget how horrible condition of my child. Her eyes out. His face was damaged from eyebrow to cheek," said Bukiswa Dwadwa (27), the baby's mother.

"No one can do except rat," said Mncedisi Mokoena, father Lunathi.

Several hours later, police found a similar case. A baby girl was attacked a pack rat who was a teenager when her mother went with her ​​friends.

"We got a call from the scene, about the death of baby  in the rats attack," said police called Bongai Mhlongo.

"We arrested her on charges of negligence resulting in death," he added.

Last month, Nomathemba Joyi (77) were also killed after giant rats consuming the right side of his face.

In the slums of South Africa, giant rats commonly found in trash bins. Rat type that could grow to nearly three feet, from snout to tail. While the front teeth, 2.5 cm.

The rats were believed to include the type of the African Giant Pouched Rats, one of the world's largest rodents. They are more active at night, eating everything, and can produce 50 children a year. Some tribes in Africa to breed mice that kind to be eaten.


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